Thanks for taking the time to even check this fun website out. I hope you enjoy my silly little passion project!ย 

Hi, I'm Avery (AKA avefree online), I'm a queer teen online who enjoys talking about music. I would use a website like RateYourMusic or AOTY if they weren't so toxic and insufferable, so I decided to make my own website. And besides, it's cool to have your own website anyway, isn't it? So the purpose of this website is to log every single album I listen to in the year 2024 and onward, starting 01/01/2024.

If you want to give a suggestion you can add me on Discord (@avefree). I'll leave a list of my current favorite albums at the moment (last updated 4/26/2024), if you want to familiarize yourself with what I like. These are not what I think are the best albums of all time in case you care.

1. Jane Remover - Frailty

2. underscores - fishmonger

3. tictacto - WIIPOP

4. xaev - berdlycore chapter 3

5. underscores - Wallsocket

6. JPEGMAFIA - All My Heroes Are Cornballs

7. Jane Remover - Teen Week

8. Sweet Trip - Velocity: Design: Comfort

9. Devon Hendryx - THE GHOST~POP TAPE

10. Quadeca - SCRAPYARD